Edwin and Maria
Thanksgiving Gathering
Cleo, Sean, and Sarah
Sean and Adair
Stargazer Lily
Henry at Bubble Show
Maria in the Ice Storm
Adair's Second Birthday
Henry Brachiating
Julie, Megan, Sherre and Kristy
Jim conducted the service at Charlie Peet's Funeral
Travis, Peyton, David, Megan, Ellen, Julie, Riley, Kristy, Martha, Sherry, Sarah, Ed
Peyton and Riley
Peyton & Riley
Riley & Peyton
Riley, Kristy, Sarah, Sherry, Peyton, Mevan and Travis
Peyton & Megan
Dallas Arboretun
Amelia & Riley
Sean and Kari in Santa Fe
Sean's Art Show
Sean and Edwin at the Art Show
Edwin, Sarah, and Henry with Cherry Blossoms
Lunchtime for Two Insects
Sean and Sepp at Sean's Graduation from Pratt
Splash & Halo in Walnut Creek
Elizabeth and Michael
Audrey and her dogs
Caroline, Audrey, and Jose
Sarah at School Board Meeting
Henry, Sarah, and Adair on Ferris Wheel
Adair and Grandaddy on Ferris Wheel
Kati and Sean at Pawley's Island
Henry, Sarah and Family
Sean, Kati, Sarah, Henry, and Edwin at Pawley's Island
Abby and Adair
Henry's First Day at Kindergarten
Durango Silverton Train on the way to Silverton
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
Ruth's 100th Birthday
Henry and Tim
Adair as Moana
Edwin and Maria at Hunter's Wedding
Kristy, Peyton & Martha
Kristy & Peyton
Riley & Travis
Splash with a playful grin
Sherry, Peyton & Kristy at the aquarium
Splash and Halo
Kristy, Peyton & Sherry
Adair and Grandaddy
Lake Texoma
Rosemary and Splash
Splash and Rosemary
Thanksgiving Dinner
Heather, Catherine, Rosemary and Caroline
Rosemary at Lake Texoma
Heather and Rosemary
Thanksgiving at the Choctaw Cultural Center
Lunch at Choctaw Cultural Center
Lunch at the Choctaw Cultural Center
The Terrells and spouses
Terrell Siblings
Sherry and her dogs at Lake Texoma
Sherry, Sarah, & Ed at Lake Texoma
The Blagg Family